My Experience with Photorejuvenation / IPL: part I

I pointed out in my rewards to Myself post that I treated myself to a Photorejuvenation / photofacial treatment.  Many of you were curious about this mode of treatment so I’ve made a decision to chronicle my journey.

This post won’t go into all the technical aspect of the Photorejuvenation, nor is it to encourage you to choose this treatment. It’s merely my own experiences and opinions.

I was first introduced to Photorejuvenation / Photogacial, or intense Pulse Light (IPL) at the medi-spa I go to for my laser hair removal (I’m doing my underarms – so pleased with the results of that so far!)   The esthetician was touting their IPL treatments as a wonderful facial treatment for me. Overall, I have good skin – it’s been a key focus in my appeal routine to maintain clear and radiant looking skin.  The greatest worry I have are my freckles and some hyperpigmentation on my chin area from hormonal breakouts. IPL is indicated to help with minimizing brown spots (like freckles, sun and age spots), fine lines and the size of pores.

Källa. My freckles are similar to this girl’s before photo on the left – mostly concentrated on the cheeks with some irregular splotches. Mine are lighter in colour than her before photo though – somewhere halfway between the before and after, I’d say.

I did some research (read: Google search and chatting with friends) and found that IPL is quite mild and there’s no downtime – my pal called it a “baby laser”.  Ultimately, the reason why I finally looked to IPL was due to continuous disappointment with various topical treatments that yielded no results. I’ve tried many “whitening” and “brightening” products out there and all I’m left with is a skincare graveyard. I wanted results.  And I know what some of you will say: but freckles are cute! I’ve heard it lots of times before (including from my SO) but I just want to fade them. I have no expectations that they will be 100% eradicated but I just want a smoother skin tone.

First, I had to figure out if I’m a good candidate – IPL tends to work better on lighter skin tones. I’m around NC20 in MAC.  Also, it is advisable not to have a tan or recent sun exposure when doing the treatment – so the fall / wintertime months are optimal times to do IPL.  I was a good candidate for IPL.

Källa. Um, this model really must have protective eye wear in this picture!

Första sessionen:

There is no prep work required. I showed up for my session after work, so I had makeup on. The esthetician removed my makeup and then applied a layer of clear amazing gel onto my face. I was given protective eye glasses that block out the light (I closed my eyes for good measure). The maker makes a bit of a humming noise when turned on but not loudly. The wand attached to the maker looks kind of like a hand-held attachment for a vacuum. considering that I had already experienced the feeling of laser hair removal, I was expecting it to feel similar – as if someone touched a hot light bulb onto your skin – this felt milder than that! The anticipation was worse than the actual treatment, honestly. There is a minor hair burning smell from the laser – I’m guessing here, but I think it’s the laser targeting the melanin within the skin.  The mechanism of how IPL works is that it breaks down the melanin which allows the melanin to dissipate.

Källa. The maker at the medi-spa I go to looks like this.

The wand has a smooth glass surface which is pressed onto various parts of the face and short bursts of bright light is emitted. The esthetician passed over my cheeks, forehead, and chin two times, with a focus on certain problem spots I requested (freckles on the cheeks). It was over in the matter of less than 10 minutes! She then did a light facial massage and applied a face serum and then a moisturizer. right away after the session, my skin felt slightly warm and appeared a little flushed, but no other evident effects. I was encouraged to not use any AHA on my skin for a few days after the treatment. and I was to keep out of the sun and wear sunscreen (one must wear sunscreen each day anyway!) That night I washed my face with mild cleanser and applied regular face cream that didn’t consist of any AHA or retinol (I was using Shiseido incredibly Revitalizing cream at the time).

Följande dag:
My skin was incredibly smooth especially my forehead! My skin felt slightly dry and tight on my cheeks. I made sure to apply a facial oil that evening.

Följande vecka:
By day 4, a couple of my larger freckles started to darken slightly in pigmentation – mostly in the centers like they were getting a lot more concentrated. then the darker areas faded but nothing dramatic.  My skin was a little bit flaky so I made a decision to use my Aloette Aloepure Restorative Enzyme peel to gently exfoliate my skin to sloughed off the flaky bits.

Källa. What is UP with all these models not wearing protective eye wear?! säkerheten först!Andra sessionen:

Min nästa session var bokad i 4 veckor efter den ursprungliga – det rekommenderas att rymma IPL-sessioner i 3 till 6 veckors intervaller. Vid denna session sätter estetiker inställningen något högre än den sista sessionen. Och den här gången var jag beredd på de små blixten av värme på min hud. Min hud var ganska spolad och kände sig dehydrerade efteråt. Jag använder en ansiktsolja den natten.

Följande dag:
Min hud var igen mycket smidig och klar. Jag behövde inte ens grund, bara en liten bit av dolda och det var det.

Följande vecka:
På den tredje dagen började en av mina fläckar klåda. Jag gick instinktivt för att skrapa det och kände lite av en scab på den. Jag kollade ut det i spegeln och se och se, mittpunkten hade mörkt och bildat lite skorpa. Nästa natt när jag tvättade mitt ansikte och den lilla buggeren slog idealiskt! Jag inspekterade den platsen närmare och det var lättare i färg! Jag hade informerats om att IPL kunde göra detta: det riktar sig till de mörkare pigmenten, tar dem till ytan och de kan flinga av. Det hände mig!
Jag uppmuntrades av min estetiker att använda en glykolsyra baserad exfoliant ungefär en vecka efter min behandling för att befria det övre lagret av min hud för att hjälpa IPL-processen. Jag använde min pålitliga Andalou pumpa honung glykolmask för detta ändamål. Hon uppmuntrade också att jag använder ett vitamin C-serum för att hjälpa till med glansning – jag använder Paula’s Choice Resisten C15 otroligt booster regelbundet. Jag fortsatte också med att använda min aloette aloepure restaurerande enzymskal och upp och upp exfolierande bomullsrundor för att hjälpa till med flaking hud (som delvis berodde på IPL och delvis på grund av det extrema kalla vädret vi nyligen hade).

Behandlingar för fotorejuvenation kan sträcka sig från $ 200 till $ 500 per session – vissa besparingar kan ha haft förpackade erbjudanden. Det rekommenderas att ha minst 5 sessioner för att ge de bästa resultaten. Totalt sett är jag väldigt uppmuntrad av framstegen i mina IPL-behandlingar hittills! Jag har 3 mycket mer behandlingar att gå och kommer att lägga in mina sista tankar om 3 månader. Har du någonsin gjort fotorjuvenation / IPL? Tänker du på att få det gjort?

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